Winter sunscreen

We all know summer rays are harmful to our skin. Not to mention the sun is the number one cause of aging skin. Healthy skin is beautiful skin. Our skin is our largest organ, it’s something we all have and will be with us forever. So, why not take care of it? We protect our skin by using sunscreen with at least a SPF of 30 or higher and 5% Zinc Oxide minimum.  Zinc Oxide is a physical form of sunscreen as opposed to chemical. It layers on top of the skin to reflect sunlight rather than absorbing it. Think of tiny little mirrors sitting on your skin.  Want to look younger? Stay out of the sun!

Sun protection is just as important in winter months as it is in the summer.  No matter what the temperature is outside, you can still get sun damage and even sunburn. The sun can still penetrate through clouds and glass.  For an all-in-one product that is great to use year round, try Neocutis Journee  every day right before makeup.  It’s an SPF 30 with 7.3% Zinc Oxide, contains green tea which is an antioxidant and helps to prevent and correct brown spots or pigmentation from forming.  Journee also has growth factors which have anti-aging benefits by stimulate cells for collagen production and is a moisturizer!  

You also want to reapply your sunscreen regularly when outdoors. For reapplication, I leave a Colorescience Sunforgettable SPF Brush  in my car or purse to reapply on my face, arms and hands.  I love it because it’s micronized, loose zinc powder in a brush!  And I can brush it over my makeup. LOVE!

 Are you heading to the mountains for your annual ski trip or to the beach for your family vacation? Higher altitudes increase the suns UV rays and their effect on your skin.  These rays are easily reflected off that pure white snow allowing you to be more susceptible to sunburns.  You are actually getting hit with the rays twice because they are also reflecting off of the sun back at you!  The same goes for water.  The sun’s rays reflect off of the water back at you causing a higher instance of sunburn!  Use a higher SPF than you normally would while on your family vacation.  Skinfo’s  Pure Protection Ultra SPF 40 is a great option to increase your protection.  Containing 20% transparent zinc oxide (nope, you won’t see it on your skin!) and Vitamin E to hydrate, this will give you maximum protection during those annual vacations. Yes, you can still be that stylish snow bunny this winter by protecting your most important asset, your skin. And don’t forget about your lips! Over exposing your lips to the sun can make them dry and cracked.  Elta MD UV Lip Balm  contains Zinc Oxide and hydromanil, which is a moisturizer to keep your lips hydrated. Sunscreen is so important 365 days a year in achieving healthy and rejuvenated skin.  It truly is the CORE in our CORE 4! 

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