It Seemed Like a Good Idea, But It's Not...

There are millions of beauty videos and articles circulating around us daily that it can be difficult to know what products and services are actually good for your skin and your wallet. We see someone in the public eye or someone we look up to using a product or service and think to ourselves “They have great skin and seem to know what they are talking about, so maybe I should try it!” There is nothing wrong with trying new things, but sometimes products and devices are not made equally for everyone. If you follow beauty bloggers on Facebook,
Instagram or YouTube, you will most likely see sheet masks & charcoal black masks on your feed. Masks have been around for a long time, but they recently have become so popular for removing black heads and impurities from the skin, and can greatly reduce irritation and swelling of the skin. I was tempted to try one I saw online, but after seeing some of the horror stories about people experiencing trouble removing the mask from their skin, causing redness, scarring, and discoloration I decided not to take the risk. There are many safe mask options to address black heads, oil and acne. One is the Revision Skincare® Black Mask. This purifying mask deep cleans, removes excess oil and toxins, exfoliates, calms and soothes the skin. This mask is so gentle that any skin type can use it. Another mask suitable for all skin types or for those who prefer sheet masks is SkinCeuticals® Biocellulose Restorative Mask. Not only does it provide immediate relief for sensitized or irritated skin but can also be used twice weekly as a replenishing treatment.

Another trend that has become popular over the past few years is the use of bath bombs. They are used in bathtubs to change the color of the water in the tub. The bath water looks pretty, but is it good for your skin? Glancing at the ingredient labels I noticed that although they contained oils for conditioning the skin, they also contained lots of chemicals, fragrances and dyes, which may not be a good idea, especially for sensitive skin. Bath bombs are really more about the sensory experience than about the health of the skin. For a healthier option, try the Avéne® XeraCalm A.D. Lipid-Replenishing Oil. It provides exceptional hydration, restores the skin’s barrier, soothes and restores the skin’s pH balance. It is hypoallergenic, noncomedogenic and free of fragrances, dyes, soap, alcohol and parabens. If you’re seeking more of an aromatic experience, try the Epionce® Lytic Gel Cleanser contains menthol, natural botanicals, and gently exfoliates with willow bark.

We live in a society where online stores are dominating the retail market. It is very convenient to receive all of your favorite products in just a few days without leaving the comfort of your home. However, just because you find your products on a retail website that isn’t the manufacture of the product, doesn’t mean the company allows them to be sold on this website. Make sure you are purchasing your products from a reputable website, especially when it comes to cosmeceuticals. Be sure the web site is linked to a medical practice to ensure the authenticity of the product being purchased.

skinfo® Specialty Skincare Boutique was founded by Amy Foreman Taub, MD, FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist and Medical Director of Advanced Dermatology. All skin care products are hand-picked by Dr. Taub. Visit to browse all skincare products and to learn more about the CORE 4 regimen.

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